Tuesday, 31 January 2017

List Of Pros And Cons To Date A Programmer

Are you thinking to date a programmer? You want to know the list of pros and cons to date a programmer?
Then you are the right place to know about it. In this post you will know about the pros and cons of dating a programmer by Koding.com
If you are willing to study programming language and what are the uses of it? and how much will I be paid for it annually? then click here to know all about coding in one image. If you are already a programmer and want to watch some more fun about programming then click here to know the best picture of a programmer’s life.

VoCore: A Cheap And Coin-sized Linux Computer With Wi-Fi

Short Bytes: VoCore is an open hardware that runs OpenWRT Linux. This tiny computer comes with Wi-Fi, USB, 20+ GPIOs that will help you to make a smart home automation system or use it in other embedded projects. Read more to know about this device and grab one for yourself.
With each passing day, mini computer boards are getting more and more popular. Single board computers like Raspberry Pi, CHIP, OrangePi etc. are being endorsed by makers and DIY enthusiasts to create new innovations. However, if you are looking for an even smaller Linux computer, VoCore is the perfect device for you.
At fossBytes, we love open source technologies and so do the makers of VoCore. It’s an open source hardware that runs OpenWrt on top of Linux. With this mini Linux machine, you can fork your own Wi-Fi router, make smart home automation systems, invent a new device, build a motherboard and whatnot.

In simpler words, you can use it as a standalone device or use it as an embedded component of a larger system. It comes with included Dock that extends the USB and Ethernet ports to enhance its functionality.

Specifications of VoCore Linux computer:

This coin-sized computer is powered by 32MB SDRAM, and 8MB SPI Flash. It provides many interfaces like 10/100M Ethernet, USB, UART, I2C, I2S, PCM, JTAG and over 20 GPIOs.
  • OpenWRT Linux
  • Onboard Wi-Fi adapter
  • Integrates a 802.11n MAC, baseband, radio, FEM & 5-port 10/100Mbps Ethernet switch
  • Processor: Ralink/Mediatek 360 MHz RT5350 MIPS
Here’s the pin map of VoCore:
An open source software and hardware of VoCore means that you will also get its full hardware design and source code. This will allow you to control every part of this tiny Linux computer.
Visit this link to grab your VoCore Linux computer.
Did we miss something? Let us know in comments below.

Brain – The New AI-powered Search Engine That Wants To Replace Google

Short Bytes: Brain is the new product from Jerry Yue which is based on an advanced algorithm. Brain will work as a personal virtual assistant for each user by having users input not just a profile of who they are, but what they do and what they want to do in the future.

Jerry Yue who became famous for his last startup, the Chinese food delivery service Benlai.com, is on the way to launch Brain LLC in the US with the help of his young team of engineers from China’s top engineering school in Beijing.

The engineers at Brain LLC claim that they have developed an advanced algorithm based on artificial intelligence that serves up the most contextually relevant information to a user without the need to go through the search results. One step further, Brain’s Advanced algorithm is already answering questions on Quora with an incredible degree of accuracy.
But, according to Jerry Yue, this is just the beginning. Ultimately, Yue wants his advanced algorithm to serve as a compliment to a users’ own brain.
“At a high level… if Google is a search engine this is an ambition engine,”
— Yue tells.
In the upcoming days, Yue wants ‘Brain’ to be the personal virtual assistant for each user by having users input not just a profile of who they are, but what they do and what they want to do in the future. Based on the user profile, Brain will create a set of data sets and it will combine its data set with a social platform to connect users who share similar interests.
While Yue was building Benlai.com, he spent his spare time tinkering with robotics and programming.
“I’ve been working on this algorithm for more than four years,”
— said Yue.
He has already raised nearly $1.5 million funds from an influential Chinese investor.

Monday, 30 January 2017

Top 10 Benefits For Rooting Android Phone

Android Phone rooting is the first task for any android pro users. Android rooting gives you access to do anything with your android phone. Rooting gives many options for any android mobile user. Make sure your root your phone, only right and verified way.

Benefits of rooting
Now many of my friends, What is the benefit for rooting the android phone? Here we post some best benefits for rooting any android phone. Now check out below guide and I am sure this guide gonna change mind of any unrooted android mobile user. The rooted android mobile user makes your phone smarter with this guide. Root your android phone with our Rooting Guide Android Full Rooting Guide for Every Phone with Advantages.
More :

Top 10 Benefits For Rooting Android Phone

1. Explore and Browse Android Mobile Root Directory

When you root your android phone, you have access to browser your android mobile root directory. Here you can see your system files and other databases files. You have also accessed to modify any system files. You can do this from ES File Explorer Android Apps.

2. Hack WiFi from Android Phone

Yeah! this is true, you can hack WiFi network and disable other people net connection in same wifi. WiFi Kill is an android app for a hacking wifi network in android phone.
For More:

7. Install Custom ROM

Default android rom is not  like by everyone, that’s why many developers create a custom version of android rom. In the custom version of android rom you find many features with more options. If you are the rooted user, you can install the custom version of android rom in your phone. You can find custom rom for your android phone on XDA Forums.

8. Block Ads from Android Apps

Android Apps ad is very annoying for every android user. You can block ads in android phone apps, this thing also saves your data. Download AdBlock  for removing and blocking ads in android apps.

9. Block Websites from Editing Hosts file

You can block any websites in your android phone from Hosts Editor Android app. Only rooted users can take advantage of this feature. You can block Facebook, twitter or any adult websites in your android phone from this app.

10. Boot Any Computer PC from Android

Drivedroid is an android app that can turn your rooted android device into a bootable live Linux from iso image files. You can boot your pc from this amazing android apps. Download live Linux distributions and boot your pc from this amazing utility.

Sunday, 29 January 2017

How To Create Undeletable Folder In Windows

Just create a folder using a trick, put your some files and sub folders within the created folder, but what’s Next? No one can Delete/Rename that folder, untill or unless you command that folder to detele or rename.

If you are one of those, seeking fun with friends then this trick is the correct choice to have fun with your friends, however this trick is not only for fun but also you can protect your valuable data, there are many such situation occur at the time of using your own computer i.e, deleted all the folder and by mistakely you deleted your valuable files, which hurts alot.
To know the trick to protect your valuable files then just follow the below steps that how can you create a folder that cannot be deleted or renamed. Step starts from CMD as Command Prompt from your computer, get the details instruction from the below steps.
Step1. Open CMD as Command Prompt. (Go to Start and type CMD)
Command Prompt
Command Prompt
Note: After this step make sure that you will not select a root directory, means, you can only create this folder on non-rooted drives such as DEFG not the C drive because you have installed your windows on that Drive.

Step2. Open CMD and type E: and hit enter.
Select Your Desire Drive I have selected E:
Select Your Desire Drive I have selected E:
Step3. Now type md con\ (MD represent Make Directory) Hit enter.
Note Why We Use con?: Files may be copied to devices. For example, copy file con outputs file to the screen console. Devices themselves may be copied to a destination file, For example, copy con file takes the text typed into the console and puts it into FILE, stopping when EOF (Ctrl+Z) is typed.
Now Type md con
Now Type md con\
Note: You just created a new folder on E Drive, just check it out whether it worked or not, Confirm? OK if yes that means you created a folder, now delete that folder to make sure it is working as undeletable as Title of the tutorial mentioned, now put some folders and music files under con and again try to delete con folder if you see no changes that mean it worked on your computer.
Now Check Your Computer Drive
Now Check Your Computer Drive

Now how to delete the undeletable folder? Follow below steps again!

Step4. open your CMD again, type E: hit enter and again type rd con\ (Remove Directory) hit enter.
To Delete The Same Folder Type rd con
To Delete The Same Folder Type rd con\
Your file is deleted. everything is fine, just put the value or code correctly and you got what you want. Just make sure whether you are a programmer or not, typing a perfect code is the only genuine work, if you mislead or mistype then your code then it will not perform.
Stay ON, comment below if you want to know more tricks on the windows computer.